Thursday, January 31, 2008

Instant Horse Training Advice

If you have a passion to learn all you can about horse training, then you will want to know about a 100 year old horse training manual recently revived from a dusty old book shelf of a used book store. Taking the time to lay firm foundations will also mean that you will be training a horse that is willing to please, that is EASIER TO TRAIN IN THE LONG RUN, that is a joy to work with and not an obstinate animal that is always acting out. Eventually I will train the horse to stay calm and relaxed as I run at him from any angle, ride a motorized vehicle around him, run by him with flags, etc.
Eventually, you will be able to stare your horse in the face and run directly at him and the horse will stay calm and relaxed because they have thought about the situation and concluded that they are not going to die. A balky horse usually stands and looks back, as if it expected something to happen from the rear, and he is seldom disappointed, for the driver usually makes the air hot with a volley of words and the hissing of the whip. You must create an environment wherein the horse can learn on its own, aside from the horse training that you give it.
Balking is a confused, inactive and almost insensible condition of the mind that happens when the horse is faced with two conflicting problems.
Special bridles can also be used to help train and dissuade a potential runaway, especially one that is not confirmed in the habit and has shown an inclination to run only once or twice.

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